Some of the popular lost treasures and local legends in New England include:
1. The Lost Secret of the Lighthouse in Marblehead, Massachusetts: Legend has it that during the Revolutionary War, a British officer hid a stash of gold and diamonds behind a secret wall in the lighthouse.
2. The Lost Pirate’s Treasure off the Coast of Rhode Island: This is a legend of a shipwrecked pirate vessel containing a large treasure of gold coins, jewelry, and other artifacts.
3. The Lost Castle Treasure in Connecticut: This is the legend of a mysterious castle containing a secret underground chamber full of gold, jewels, and other treasure.
4. The Chasing the White Rabbit Treasure of Maine: This is a local legend about a mysterious circle of stones on an island of Maine that is said to lead to a buried treasure.
5. The Missing Merrimack Gold in New Hampshire: This is the legend of a shipment of gold that was lost during the Civil War in the Merrimack River, and according to lore, the gold is still hidden somewhere in the river.