Using the YouTube Data API V3, you can create a C# function to connect to the YouTube API, retrieve the first video result, and return an image along with the video title.
Below is an example of a C# function that could be used to achieve this:
public async Task<(string title,string imageUrl)> RetrieveFirstVideo()
// Create a new YouTubeService instance.
var youtubeService = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer());
// Create a new SearchResource instance.
var searchResource = youtubeService.Search;
// Define a list to store the results of the search query.
var searchResults = new List
// Create a new ListRequest instance.
var listRequest = searchResource.List(“snippet”);
// Set the q parameter of the ListRequest instance to your search query.
listRequest.Q = “YourSearchQuery”;
// Execute the search query and return the results in the list.
searchResults = await listRequest.ExecuteAsync();
// Return the first result from the search results.
var videoResult = searchResults.FirstOrDefault();
if (videoResult != null)
return (videoResult.Snippet.Title, videoResult.Snippet.Thumbnails.Default.Url);
// If no results were returned, return null.
return (null, null);